commeRcial EventS
#fairs #shopping centers #sport events #concerts
Engage consumers with a brand in a completely new immersive way. Offer a unique experience thanks to our customizable immersive light & sound installation that activates the imagination and strengthens your brand's recognition and awareness. Increase your brand's visibility as well, beyond your event, via our QR-code sharing feature which allows participants to upload the music they compose directly to their social media.
MUT-AT1-0NS is a perfect tool for activating a target group at the launch of a new product; for example at fairs, shoppings centers, sports events, or concerts. When a potential customer is attracted by the immersive and interactive quality of the light & sound installation, they will actively engage with your brand.
At corporate events and fairs MUT-AT1-0NS engages the imagination by sharing a spectacle that encourages guests to stop, engage, and collect leads.

Business Director at Wolttigroup:
“I see countless possibilities in corporate events thanks to the modularity of the "MUT-AT1-0NS". With the help of innovation, immersive and at the same time entertaining experience can be created, where the customer's brand gets undivided attention and leaves a positive memory trace. It´s an immersive experience in a time where numerous messages and stimuli are hitting us all the time – so it really gives you a breather and pauses the commercial hybris”
Senior Advisor at City of Helsinki:
“The city of Helsinki was looking for new event business innovations with its partners. By utilizing new technologies, we wanted to find ways to enrich the overall event experience of visitors. In the “MUT-AT1-0NS” concept developed by Frame Rate, the goals of the competition were realized nicely, and in addition, the music piece created by the event visitor was possible to take along and share on social media.”